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We have B I G plans for 2016. As we refine our sales tools and develop marketing pieces, we also plan to offer several webinars a month for our agents. Some webinars will be hosted by our company principal, Rich Hellerich, while others will have guest panelists speaking about a particular service provided specifically for agents actively appointed with Great Plains Annuity & Life Marketing. Check out a few we've hosted so far this year and stay tuned to future email notifications regarding upcoming webinar presentations! Originally presented 1/12/16... Originally presented 1/19/16...
Recent posts

Social Security Benefit Education

Would prospects do business with you if you found them $30 to $100 K in additional lifetime Social Security benefits? Great Plains can help you open the door to more appointments using our Social Security Toolkit to provide prospects information and assistance in understanding their Social Security benefits! There are just over 40 million Americans age 65 and older, and they make up 13 percent of the population. By 2030, the over-65 crowd will reach 20 percent of the population. At that time the median age of Americans will increase to 39.6 years, up from 37.2 today and a significant increase from a little under 30 in the 1960s and '70s.Currently 10,000 Baby Boomers, the largest generation in history, become eligible for Social Security retirement benefits every day! It is estimated that up to 70% of Social Security income recipients have elected claiming strategies which leave thousands of benefit dollars...

Jump-Start 2016 With These Services from Great Plains

We offer annuity and life insurance professionals the opportunity to partner with our experienced Annuity and Life Marketing Specialists. They can help you find the best guaranteed fixed annuity or life insurance solutions to recommend to your clients, provide real marketing support and deliver the sales assistance to impact your success. Take advantage of our 250+ years of industry experience and multiple sales tools, ideas and connections with industry vendors to make 2016 your best year yet. IncomePLUS Help your clients create a reliable retirement income AND preserve their financial assets with Income PLUS ! Great Plains Annuity and Life Marketing is pleased to introduce our new tool to help you better serve clients concerned about creating a retirement paycheck without exhausting their savings. Income PLUS is defined as "Income" and the acronym PLUS, which stands for P referred L addering U tilization S trategy. GPALM can now help contracted pr...

Make 2016 Great with Great Plains Annuity & Life Marketing

  Why Great Plains? Great Plains Annuity and Life Marketing is 100% independently owned . From our inception, we have been concerned with the industry trend of once-independent annuity and life brokerage firms becoming owned wholly or in part by insurance carriers or entities with specific sales agendas. We believe producers, and their clients, are best served when the sales process focuses on their needs and not the marketing organization’s ownership. Our case development and sales specialists transparently reflect this attitude: we want the advisor and their client to utilize the product and underwriting carrier that best fits their needs and goals, not ours. We offer insurance and annuity advisors access to more than 60 annuity and life insurance carriers and hundreds of products. Our success is measured in helping producers better serve their clients with the best concepts, strategies and products available in the marketplace today. While we are a resource fo...